Meet The Goats

Adobo has done a lot of work to get here. Quite stand off-ish at times but if he chooses you to give his attention to, you found a friend for life. Adobo likes slow moves and quiet voices and prefers meditation and massage then doing gymnastics on your back. His Elvis style hair and new beard growing in, will surely put Adobo in a "looker" category. If you put in time with Adobo, he will certainly make the love he gives in return, worth your wait.

Ruth, (RBG), our queen in more ways then one! Ruth loves yoga and working out, and she often has a thing or two to say. Popular for her small stature and big heart, Ruth stands out for her white chin mark and panda print on her side. A true leader.

To know Clyde, is to be loved by Clyde! Clyde is our largest lover of the bunch, preferring his human friends sometimes more then his goat friends. Clyde is about comfort and affection and will seek both out. Clyde and his brother Dale are our only mixed-breed kids that came to us vs. being sent to auction and we are forever grateful. Insider tip: Clyde loves head rubs, chin scratches and to possibly crawl in your lap and get a good hug. Personal space is lost when Clyde is around.

Frankincense aka FRANK
Head Man, Town Mayor, or Cryer if you will. Frank comes to us from Bare Essentials Farm in Teaticket, Ma. He is a third-generation yoga- goat! Frank is a leader, a lover and a Boss. When he is not screaming from his paddock, he is trying to jump on your back or in your lap. Frank is much more of lover than a fighter. If you have taken a class, you definitely met, and remember, #FRANK.

Betty White
Well, this wether is everything their name brings to the table. Smart and sassy, funny and serious, all rolled into one. Betty will often be seen snuggling on the mat of any cute guy in class. Small and mighty, Betty and her twin Ruth are the oldest and most petite of the herd.

Big boy Dale! The second half of our two sets of twins, Dale is a Taurus and he fits in that category well! And to remember who is who, you will notice that Dale has a dark stripe down his back like that favorite Disney chipmunk. Something else unique about Dale is that he is the only one in the herd with brown eyes. The team calls these two The Clydesdale Brothers because of their big feet! Insider tip:Dale loves all things belly rubs and he will also visit a bit longer with you if you give his front knees a massage.